
Hey, I'm Alexis Valentino. I am a Computer Engineer from the Philippines, When I'm not exploring the latest developments in AI and LLM, you can find me tinkering with Web Development projects or Building Robots just for fun. In my spare time I love taking free courses and spent a lot of time pushing on Github.In the recent years, I've been focused on Software Engineering, DevOps, Robotics, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Data Structures and Algorithms, Network Architecture, Embedded systems, Signal Processing and Cybersecurity. I have hands-on experience in designing and implementing hardware systems, and a strong interest in emerging technologies like Blockchain and IoT. Proficient in Python and Javascript, I am dedicated to applying my expertise to innovate and tackle real-world challenges through exciting projects. Take a look at my projects to see what I'm working on, and get in touch if you'd like to work together!


  • FilipinoNative
  • EnglishFluent
  • PidginBasic
  • alexis valentino